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The Challenge

News media play an extraordinarily important role in shaping public opinion, significantly influencing the choice of our politicians and their actions.

Our world is complex. This is not least a result of cultural diversity, different experiences and interests of individual human groups in an increasingly interconnected world. Opinions and views of the most diverse groups exist in a limited space.

At the same time, we observe in our Western democracies an increasingly simplifying public debate in which there are no longer any shades of gray and alternative views that deviate from the current mainstream opinion are defamed or marginalized. The space for debate is shrinking more and more, and it is increasingly dominated by emotions instead of factual arguments. This can be highly dangerous in times of international conflicts with a real threat of war.

But how can we expand the public debate space through broader, fact-oriented diversity?

Verengter Debattenraum Peacock

Our Approach

Nutzergruppe Web

If we look at the causes of the narrowing of the debate space, we can’t help but admit that the news media are subject to economic constraints resulting from digitization. The disappearance of the print media’s paying subscription readership (digital media are happily used for free …) is creating enormous cost pressures, resulting in less in-depth research and reduced use of correspondents on the ground. The quality and trustworthiness of the reports produced drop significantly.

One solution may be to use the possibilities of digitalization to qualify observers and researchers from society / the entire world, produce high-quality and trustworthy news. Modern information technologies such as Swarm Intelligence, Deep Learning and Semantic Language and Text Analysis will be able to do this. They ‘only’ need to be developed and transformed into marketable products.

The iKANTOS funding association has set itself precisely this goal of promoting such technologies and their market launch. The new products will lead to increased competition among media agencies and in this way pave the way for more diverse and fact-oriented public discourse for the benefit of us all.

The Association

How does the association support?

Financially, by passing on the funds raised through donations and membership fees to the beneficiary company.

What / who is supported?

Technology companies (start-ups) whose business model is to develop marketable products for journalism that help increase the diversity, quality and trustworthiness of news stories.

Who / what is 'iKANTOS' ?
The iKANTOS-Media GmbH (currently still in formation) is the primary funding target of our sponsorship association. Perspectively, we strive for a participation in the company, with the goal of obtaining a blocking minority, with the help of which the publication of the product-relevant algorithms in the public domain can be guaranteed. Only, in the event that iKANTOS-Media GmbH should dissolve, the sponsoring association will look for other start-up companies with a comparable business model.
Is the association a non-profit organization?

No, unfortunately not. The fact that we support companies that are based on a profit-oriented business model means that the basic requirement for non-profit status is not currently met. However, we are striving for recognition on a special path in the future. – Why not support non-profit projects/companies? A non-profit iKANTOS Media gGmbH would have a much more difficult time acquiring the financing necessary for rapid growth (a quick product launch into the market). Private investors would drop out, as would the handsome business and research cooperation funding.

What are my rights and obligations as a member?

In addition to the obligation to pay a regular fee, each member has the right to make motions and proposals concerning the activities of the Association, to elect the Board of Directors and to control its work through its participation in the General Meetings. In addition, the member can get involved in the structures (committees, if they are formed) and support the association to become better known in public and to solicit members and approval. The latter is of course also possible to a limited extent outside the association.

Can I cancel my membership at any time without giving reasons?

Yes, at any time. Cancellation must be made in writing / by email. Contributions already paid in advance will not be refunded.

Can I deduct my contributions from my taxes?

No. Since our association is not currently recognized as a non-profit, it is not.

What are the duties of the association's board of directors?

The Executive Board is committed to implementing the purpose of the Articles of Association. That is, its activities are primarily aimed at recruiting new members and donors. To this end, it presents the goals of the association to the public by operating a website, publications in various media (blogs, YouTube, magazines) and holding events. The Board convenes general meetings and performs administrative duties….

Is the association economically active?

No, it is not. Its purpose is limited exclusively to the solicitation of donations and membership fees. Should a company investment result in extraordinary income upon disposal, these funds are immediately reallocated to eligible companies.

Become a member

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Empfänger: iKANTOS Unterstützerverein e.V.
IBAN: DE14500502011235631964

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